Automating provisioning with Ansible – working with inventories

So far, we have used Ansible inventories more or less as a simple list of nodes. But there is much more you can do with inventories – you can assign hosts to groups, build hierarchies of groups, use dynamic inventories and assign variables. In this post, we will look at some of these options.

Groups in inventories

Recall that our simple inventory file (when using the Vagrant setup demonstrated in an earlier post) looks as follows (say this is saved as hosts.ini in the current working directory)


We have two servers and one group called servers. Of course, we could have more than one group. Suppose, for instance, that we change our file as follows.


When running Ansible, we can now specify either the group web or db, for instance

ansible -u vagrant \
        -i hosts.ini \
        --private-key ~/vagrant/vagrant_key \
        -m ping web

then Ansible will only operate on the hosts in the group web. If you want to run Ansible for all hosts, you can still use the group “all”.

Hosts can be in more than one group. For instance, when we change the file as follows


then the host will be on both groups, db and web. If you run Ansible for the db group, it will operate on both hosts, if you run it for the web group, it will operate only on Of course, if you use the pseudo-group all, then Ansible will touch this host only once, even though it appears twice in the configuration file.

It is also possible to define groups as the union of other groups. To create a group that contains all servers, we could for instance do something like


Finally, as we have seen in the last post, we can define variables directly in the inventory file. We have already seen this on the level of individual hosts, but it is also possible on the level of groups. Let us take a look at the following example.


Here we define two variables, a and b. The first variable is defined for all servers in the db group. The second variable is defined for all servers in the servers group. We can print out the values of these variables using the debug Ansible module

ansible -i hosts.ini \
        --private-key ~/vagrant/vagrant_key  \
        -u vagrant -m debug -a "var=a,b" all

which will give us the following output | SUCCESS => {
    "a,b": "(5, 10)"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "a,b": "(5, 10)"

To better understand the structure of an inventory file, it is often useful to create a YAML representation of the file, which is better suited to visualize the hierarchical structure. For that purpose, we can use the ansible-inventory command line tool. The command

ansible-inventory -i hosts.ini --list -y

will create the following YAML representation of our inventory.

              a: 5
              b: 10
              a: 5
              b: 10
    ungrouped: {}

which nicely demonstrates that we have effectively built a tree, with the implicit group all at the top, the group servers as the only descendant and the groups db and web as children of this group. In addition, there is a group ungrouped which lists all hosts which are not explicitly assigned to a group. If you omit the -y flag, you will get a JSON representation which lists the variables in a separate dictionary _meta.

Group and host variables in separate files

Ansible also offers you the option to maintain group and host variables in separate files, which can again be useful if you need to deal with different environments. By convention, Ansible will look for variables defined on group level in a directory group_vars that needs to be a subdirectory of the directory in which the inventory file is located. Thus, if your inventory file is called /home/user/somedir/hosts.ini, you would have to create a directory /home/user/somedir/group_vars. Inside this directory, place a YAML file containing a dictionary with key-value pairs which will then be used as variable definitions and whose name is that of the group. In our case, if we wanted to define a variable c for all hosts in the db group, we would create a file group_vars/db.yaml with the following content

  c: 15

We can again check that this has worked by printing the variables a, b and c.

ansible -i hosts.ini \
        --private-key ~/vagrant/vagrant_key  \
        -u vagrant -m debug -a "var=a,b,c" db

Similary, you could create a directory host_vars and place a file there to define variables for a specific host – again, the file name should match the host name. It is also possible to merge several files – see the corresponding page in the documentation for all the details.

Dynamic inventories

So far, our inventories have been static, i.e. we prepare them before we run Ansible, and they are unchanged while the playbook is running. This is nice in a classical setup where you have a certain set of machines you need to manage, and make changes only if a new machine is physically added to the data center or removed. In a cloud environment, however, the setup tends to be much more dynamic. To deal with this situation, Ansible offers different approaches to manage dynamic inventories that change at runtime.

The first approach is to use inventory scripts. An inventory script is simply a script (an executable, which can be written in any programming language) that creates an inventory in JSON format, similarly to what ansible-inventory does. When you provide such an executable using the -i switch, Ansible will invoke the inventory script and use the output as inventory.

Inventory scripts are invoked by Ansible in two modes. When Ansible needs a full list of all hosts and groups, it will add the switch –list. When Ansible needs details on a specific host, it will pass the switch –host and, in addition, the hostname as an argument.

Let us take a look at an example to see how this works. Ansible comes bundled with a large number of inventory scripts. Let us play with the script for Vagrant. After downloading the script to your working directory and installing the required module paramiko using pip, you can run the script as follows.

python3 --list

This will give you an output similar to the following (I have piped this through jq to improve readability)

  "vagrant": [
  "_meta": {
    "hostvars": {
      "boxA": {
        "ansible_user": "vagrant",
        "ansible_host": "",
        "ansible_ssh_private_key_file": "/home/chr/vagrant/vagrant_key",
        "ansible_port": "2222"
      "boxB": {
        "ansible_user": "vagrant",
        "ansible_host": "",
        "ansible_ssh_private_key_file": "/home/chr/vagrant/vagrant_key",
        "ansible_port": "2200"

We see that the script has created a group vagrant with two hosts, using the names in your Vagrantfile. For each host, it has, in addition, declared some variables, like the private key file, the SSH user and the IP address and port to use for SSH.

To use this dynamically created inventory with ansible, we first have to make the Python script executable, using chmod 700 Then, we can simply invoke Ansible pointing to the script with the -i switch.

ansible -i -m ping all

Note that we do not have to use the switches –private-key and -u as this information is already present in the inventory.

It is instructive to look at the (rather short) script. Doing this, you will see that behind the scenes, the script simply invokes vagrant status and vagrant ssh-config. This implies, however, that the script will only detect your running instances properly if you execute it – and thus Ansible – in the directory in which your Vagrantfile is living and in which you issued vagrant up to bring up the machines!.

In practice, dynamic inventories are mostly used with public cloud providers. Ansible comes with inventory scripts for virtually every cloud provider you can imagine. As an example, let us try out the script for EC2.

First, there is some setup required. Download the inventory script and, placing it in the same directory, the configuration file ec2.ini. Then, make the script executable.

A short look at the script will show you that it uses the Boto library to access the AWS API. So you need Boto installed, and you need to make sure that Boto has access to your AWS credentials, for instance because you have a working AWS CLI configuration (see my previous post on using Python with AWS for more details on this). As explained in the comments in the script, you can also use environment variables to provide your AWS credentials (which are stored in ~/.aws/credentials when you have set up the AWS CLI).

Next, bring up some instances on EC2 and then run the script using

./ --list

Note that the script uses a cache to avoid having to repeat time-consuming API calls. The expiration time is provided as a parameter in the ec2.ini file. The default is 5 minutes, which can be a bit too long when playing around, so I recommend to change this to e.g. 30 seconds.

Even if you have only one or two machines running, the output that the script produces is significantly more complex than the output of the Vagrant dynamic inventory script. The reason for this is that, instead of just listing the hosts, the EC2 script will group the hosts according to certain criteria (that again can be selected in ec2.ini), for instance availability zone, region, AMI, platform, VPC and so forth. This allows you to target for instance all Linux boxes, all machines running in a specific data center and so forth. If you tag your machines, you will also find that the script groups the hosts by tags. This is very useful and allows you to differentiate between different types of machines (e.g. database servers, web servers), or different stages. The script also attaches certain characteristics as variables to each host.

In addition to inventory scripts, there is a second mechanism to dynamically change an inventory – there is actually an Ansible module which maintains the copy of the inventory that Ansible builds in memory at startup (and thus makes changes that are only valid for this run), the add_host module. This is mostly used when we use Ansible to actually bring up hosts.

To demonstrate this, we will use a slightly different setup as we have used so far. Recall that Ansible can work with any host on which Python is installed and which can be accessed via SSH. Thus, instead of spinning up a virtual machine, we can as well bring up a container and use that to simulate a host. To spin up a container, we can use the Ansible module docker_container that we execute on the control machine, i.e. with the pseudo-group localhost, which is present even if the inventory is empty. After we have created the container, we add the container dynamically to the inventory and can then use it for the remainder of the playbook.

To realize this setup, the first thing which we need is a container image with a running SSH daemon. As base image, we can use the latest version of the official Ubuntu image for Ubuntu bionic. I have created a Dockerfile which, based on the Ubuntu image, installs the OpenSSH server and sudo, creates a user ansible, adds the user to the sudoer group and imports a key pair which is assumed to exist in the directory.

Once this image has been built, we can use the following playbook to bring up a container, dynamically add it to the inventory and run ping on it to test that the setup has worked. Note that this requires that the docker Python module is installed on the control host.

  # This is our first play - it will bring up a new Docker container and register it with
  # the inventory
  - name: Bring up a Docker container that we will use as our host and build a dynamic inventory
    hosts: localhost
    # We first use the docker_container module to start our container. This of course assumes that you
    # have built the image node:latest according to the Dockerfile which is distributed along with
    # this script. We use bridge networking, but do not expose port 22
    - name: Run Docker container
        auto_remove: yes
        detach: yes
        name: myTestNode
        image: node:latest
        network_mode: bridge
        state: started
      register: dockerData
    # As we have chosen not to export the SSH port, we will have to figure out the IP of the container just created. We can
    # extract this from the return value of the docker run command
    - name: Extract IP address from docker dockerData
        ipAddress:  "{{ dockerData['ansible_facts']['docker_container']['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] }}"
    # Now we add the new host to the inventory, as part of a new group docker_nodes
    # This inventory is then valid for the remainder of the playbook execution
    - name: Add new host to inventory
        hostname: myTestNode
        ansible_ssh_host: "{{ ipAddress }}"
        ansible_ssh_user: ansible
        ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "./ansible"
        groups: docker_nodes
  # Our second play. We now ping our host using the newly created inventory
  - name: Ping host
    hosts: docker_nodes
    become: yes
    - name: Ping  host

If you want to run this example, you can download all the required files from my GitHub repository, build the required Docker image, generate the key and run the example as follows.

pip install docker
git clone
cd ansible-samples/partV
ansible-playbook docker.yaml

This is nice, and you might want to play with this to create additional containers for more advanced test setups. When you do this, however, you will soon realize that it would be very beneficial to be able to execute one task several times, i.e. to use loops. Time to look at control structures in Ansible, which we do in the next post.

Automating provisioning with Ansible – variables and facts

In the playbooks that we have considered so far, we have used tasks, links to the inventory and modules. In this post, we will add another important feature of Ansible to our toolbox – variables.

Declaring variables

Using variables in Ansible is slightly more complex than you might expect at the first glance, mainly due to the fact that variables can be defined at many different points, and the precedence rules are a bit complicated, making errors likely. Ignoring some of the details, here are the essential options that you have to define variables and assign values:

  • You can assign variables in a playbook on the level of a play, which are then valid for all tasks and all hosts within that play
  • Similarly, variables can be defined on the level of an individual task in a playbook
  • You can define variables on the level of hosts or groups of hosts in the inventory file
  • There is a module called set_fact that allows you to define variables and assign values which are then scoped per host and for the remainder of the playbook execution
  • Variables can be defined on the command line when executing a playbook
  • Variables can be bound to a module so that the return values of that module are assigned to that variable within the scope of the respective host
  • Variable definitions can be moved into separate files and be referenced from within the playbook
  • Finally, Ansible will provide some variables and facts

Let us go through these various options using the following playbook as an example.

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  # We can define a variable on the level of a play, it is
  # then valid for all hosts to which the play applies
    myVar1: "Hello"
  - vars.yaml
    # We can also set a variable using the set_fact module
    # This will be valid for the respective host until completion
    # of the playbook
  - name: Set variable
      myVar2: "World"
      myVar5: "{{ ansible_facts['machine_id'] }}"
    # We can register variables with tasks, so that the output of the
    # task will be captured in the variable
  - name: Register variables
    command: "date"
  - name: Print variables
    # We can also set variables on the task level
      myVar4: 123
      var: myVar1, myVar2, myVar3['stdout'], myVar4, myVar5, myVar6, myVar7

At the top of this playbook, we see an additional attribute vars on the level of the play. This attribute itself is a list and contains key-value pairs that define variables which are valid across all tasks in the playbook. In our example, this is the variable myVar1.

The same syntax is used for the variable myVar4 on the task level. This variable is then only valid for that specific task.

Directly below the declaration of myVar1, we instruct Ansible to pick up variable definitions from an external file. This file is again in YAML syntax and can define arbitrary key-value pairs. In our example, this file could be as simple as

  myVar7: abcd

Separating variable definitions from the rest of the playbook is very useful if you deal with several environments. You could then move all environment-specific variables into separate files so that you can use the same playbook for all environments. You could even turn the name of the file holding the variables into a variable that is then set using a command line switch (see below), which allows you to use different sets of variables for each execution without having to change the playbook.

The variable myVar3 is registered with the module command, meaning that it will capture the output of this module. Note that this output will usually be a complex data structure, i.e. a dictionary. One of the keys in this dictionary, which depends on the module, is typically stdout and captures the output of the command.

For myVar2, we use the module set_fact to define it and assign a value to it. Note that this value will only be valid per host, as myVar5 demonstrates (here we use a fact and Jinja2 syntax – we will discuss this further below).

In the last task of the playbook, we print out the value of all variables using the debug module. If you look at this statement, you will see that we print out a variable – myVar6 – which is not defined anywhere in the playbook. This variable is in fact defined in the inventory. Recall that the inventory for our test setup with Vagrant introduced in the last post looked as follows.


To define the variable myVar6, change this file as follows.

[servers] myVar6=10 myVar6=11

Note that behind each host, we have added the variable name along with its value which is specific per host. If you now run this playbook with a command like

ansible-playbook  \
        -u vagrant \
        --private-key ~/vagrant/vagrant_key \
        -i ~/vagrant/hosts.ini \

then the last task will produce an output that contains a list of all variables along with their values. You will see that myVar6 has the value defined in the inventory, that myVar5 is in fact different for each host and that all other variables have the values defined in the playbook.

As mentioned before, it is also possible to define variables using an argument to the ansible-playbook executable. If, for instance, you use the following command to run the playbook

ansible-playbook  \
        -u vagrant \
        --private-key ~/vagrant/vagrant_key \
        -i ~/vagrant/hosts.ini \
        -e myVar4=789 \

then the output will change and the variable myVar4 has the value 789. This is an example of the precedence rule mentioned above – an assignment specified on the command line overwrites all other definitions.

Using facts and special variables

So far we have been using variables that we instantiate and to which we assign values. In addition to these custom variables, Ansible will create and populate a few variables for us.

First, for every machine in the inventory to which Ansible connects, it will create a complex data structure called ansible_facts which represents data that Ansible collects on the machine. To see an example, run the command (assuming again that you use the setup from my last post)

ansible \
      -u vagrant \
      -i ~/vagrant/hosts.ini \
      --private-key ~/vagrant/vagrant_key  \
      -m setup all 

This will print a JSON representation of the facts that Ansible has gathered. We see that facts include information on the machine like the number of cores and hyperthreads per core, the available memory, the IP addresses, the devices, the machine ID (which we have used in our example above), environment variables and so forth. In addition, we find some information on the user that Ansible is using to connect, the used Python interpreter and the operating system installed.

It is also possible to add custom facts by placing a file with key-value pairs in a special directory on the host. Confusingly, this is called local facts, even though these facts are not defined on the control machine on which Ansible is running but on the host that is provisioned. Specifically, a file in /etc/ansible/facts.d ending with .fact can contain key-value pairs that are interpreted as facts and added to the dictionary ansible_local.

Suppose, for instance, that on one of your hosts, you have created a file called /etc/ansible/facts.d/myfacts.fact with the following content


If you then run the above command again to gather all facts, then, for that specific host, the output will contain a variable

"ansible_local": {
            "myfacts": {
                "test": {
                    "testvar": "1"

So we see that ansible_local is a dictionary, with the keys being the names of the files in which the facts are stored (without the extension). The value for each of the files is again a dictionary, where the key is the section in the facts file (the one in brackets) and the value is a dictionary with one entry for each of the variables defined in this section (you might want to consult the Wikipedia page on the INI file format).

In addition to facts, Ansible will populate some special variables like the inventory_hostname, or the groups that appear in the inventory file.

Using variables – Jinja2 templates

In the example above, we have used variables in the debug statement to print their value. This, of course, is not a typical usage. In general, you will want to expand a variable to use it at some other point in your playbook. To this end, Ansible uses Jinja2 templates.

Jinja2 is a very powerful templating language and Python library, and we will only be able to touch on some of its features in this post. Essentially, Jinja2 accepts a template and a set of Python variables and then renders the template, substituting special expressions according to the values of the variables. Jinja2 differentiates between expressions which are evaluated and replaced by the values of the variables they refer to, and tags which control the flow of the template processing, so that you can realize things like loops and if-then statements.

Let us start with a very simple and basic example. In the above playbook, we have hard-coded the name of our variable file vars.yaml. As mentioned above, it is sometimes useful to use different variable files, depending on the environment. To see how this can be done, change the start of our playbook as follows.

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  # We can define a variable on the level of a play, it is
  # then valid for all hosts to which the play applies
    myVar1: "Hello"
  - "{{ myfile }}"

When you now run the playbook again, the execution will fail and Ansible will complain about an undefined variable. To fix this, we need to define the variable myfile somewhere, say on the command line.

ansible-playbook  \
        -u vagrant \
        --private-key ~/vagrant/vagrant_key \
        -i ~/vagrant/hosts.ini \
        -e myVar4=789 \
        -e myfile=vars.yaml \

What happens is that before executing the playbook, Ansible will run the playbook through the Jinja2 templating engine. The expression {{myfile}} is the most basic example of a Jinja2 expression and evaluates to the value of the variable myfile. So the entire expression gets replaced by vars.yaml and Ansible will read the variables defined there.

Simple variable substitution is probably the most commonly used feature of Jinja2. But Jinja2 can do much more. As an example, let us modify our playbook so that we use a certain value for myVar7 in DEV and a different value in PROD. The beginning of our playbook now looks as follows (everything else is unchanged):

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  # We can define a variable on the level of a play, it is
  # then valid for all hosts to which the play applies
    myVar1: "Hello"
    myVar7: "{% if myEnv == 'DEV' %} A {% else %} B {% endif %}"

Let us run this again. On the command line, we set the variable myEnv to DEV.

ansible-playbook  \
        -u vagrant \
        --private-key ~/vagrant/vagrant_key \
        -i ~/vagrant/hosts.ini \
        -e myVar4=789 \
        -e myEnv=DEV \

In the output, you will see that the value of the variable is ” A “, as expected. If you use a different value for myEnv, you get ” B “. The characters “{%” instruct Jinja2 to treat everything that follows (until “%}”) as tag. Tags are comparable to statements in a programming language. Here, we use the if-then-else tag which evaluates to a value depending on a condition.

Jinja2 comes with many tags, and I advise you to browse the documentation of all available control structures. In addition to control structures, Jinja2 also uses filters that can be applied to variables and can be chained.

To see this in action, we turn to an example which demonstrates a second common use of Jinja2 templates with Ansible apart from using them in playbooks – the template module. This module is very similar to the copy module, but it takes a Jinja2 template on the control machine and does not only copy it to the remote machine, but also evaluates it.

Suppose, for instance, you wanted to dynamically create a web page on the remote machine that reflects some of the machines’s characteristics, as captured by the Ansible facts. Then, you could use a template that refers to facts to produce some HTML output. I have created a playbook that demonstrates how this works – this playbook will install NGINX in a Docker container and dynamically create a webpage containing machine details. If you run this playbook with our Vagrant based setup and point your browser to, you will see a screen similar to the one below, displaying things like the number of CPU cores in the virtual machine or the network interfaces attached to it.

Screenshot from 2019-10-05 18-01-59

I will not go through this in detail, but I advise you to try out the playbook and take a look at the Jinja2 template that it uses. I have added a few comments which, along with the Jinja2 documentation, should give you a good idea how the evaluation works.

To close this post, let us see how we can test Jinja2 templates. Of course, you could simply run Ansible, but this is a bit slow and creates an overhead that you might want to avoid. As Jinja2 is a Python library, there is a much easier approach – you can simply create a small Python script that imports your template, runs the Jinja2 engine and prints the result. First, of course, you need to install the Jinja2 Python module.

pip3 install jinja2

Here is an example of how this might work. We import the template index.html.j2 that we also use for our dynamic webpage displayed above, define some test data, run the engine and print the result.

import jinja2
# Create a Jinja2 environment, using the file system loader
# to be able to load templates from the local file system
env = jinja2.Environment(
# Load our template
template = env.get_template('index.html.j2')
# Prepare the input variables, as Ansible would do it (use ansible -m setup to see
# how this structure looks like, you can even copy the JSON output)
groups = {'all': ['', '']}
        "all_ipv4_addresses": [
        "env": {
            "HOME": "/home/vagrant",
        "interfaces": [
        "enp0s8": {
            "ipv4": {
                "address": "",
                "broadcast": "",
                "netmask": "",
                "network": ""
            "macaddress": "08:00:27:77:1a:9c",
            "type": "ether"
# Render the template and print the output
print(template.render(groups=groups, ansible_facts=ansible_facts))

An additional feature that Ansible offers on top of the standard Jinja2 templating language and that is sometimes useful are lookups. Lookups allow you to query data from external sources on the control machine (where they are evaluated), like environment variables, the content of a file, and many more. For example, the expression

"{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}"

in a playbook or a template will evaluate to the value of the environment variable HOME on the control machine. Lookups are enabled by plugins (the name of the plugin is the first argument to the lookup statement), and Ansible comes with a large number of pre-installed lookup plugins.

We have now discussed Ansible variables in some depth. You might want to read through the corresponding section of the Ansible documentation which contains some more details and links to additional information. In the next post, we will turn our attention back from playbooks to inventories and how to structure and manage them.

Automating provisioning with Ansible – playbooks

So far, we have used Ansible to execute individual commands on all hosts in the inventory, one by one. Today, we will learn how to use playbooks to orchestrate the command execution. As a side note, we will also learn how to set up a local test environment using Vagrant.

Setting up a local test environment

To develop and debug Ansible playbooks, it can be very useful to have a local test environment. If you have a reasonably powerful machine (RAM will be the bottleneck), this can be easily done by spinning up virtual machines using Vagrant. Essentially, Vagrant is a tool to orchestrate virtual machines, based on configuration files which can be put under version control. We will not go into details on Vagrant in this post, but only describe briefly how the setup works.

First, we need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox. On Ubuntu, this is done using

sudo apt-get install virtualbox vagrant

Next, create a folder vagrant in your home directory, switch to it and create a SSH key pair that we will later use to access our virtual machines.

ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f vagrant_key -P ""

This will create two files, the private key vagrant_key and the corresponding public key

Next, we need a configuration file for the virtual machines we want to bring up. This file is traditionally called Vagrantfile. In our case, the file looks as follows.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|

  config.ssh.private_key_path = ['~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key', '~/.keys/ansible_key'] 
  config.vm.provision "file", source: "~/vagrant/", destination: "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" 
  config.vm.define "boxA" do |boxA| = "ubuntu/bionic64" "private_network", ip: ""

  config.vm.define "boxB" do |boxB| = "ubuntu/bionic64" "private_network", ip: ""

We will not go into the details, but essentially this file instructs Vagrant to provision two machines, called boxA and boxB (the file, including some comments, can also be downloaded here). Both machines will be connected to a virtual network device and will be reachable from the host and from each other using the IP addresses and (using the VirtualBox networking machinery in the background, which I have described in a bit more detail in this post). On both files, we will install the public key just created, and we ask Vagrant to use the corresponding private key.

Now place this file in the newly created directory ~/vagrant and, from there, run

vagrant up

Vagrant will now start to spin up the two virtual machines. When you run this command for the first time, it needs to download the machine image which will take some time, but once the image is present locally, this usually only takes one or two minutes.

Our first playbook

Without further ado, here is our first playbook that we will use to explain the basic structure of an Ansible playbook.

# Our first play. We create an Ansible user on the host
- name: Initial setup
  hosts: all
  become: yes
  - name: Create a user ansible_user on the host
      name: ansible_user
      state: present
  - name: Create a directory /home/ansible_user/.ssh
      path: /home/ansible_user/.ssh
      group: ansible_user
      owner: ansible_user
      mode: 0700
      state: directory
  - name: Distribute ssh key
      src: ~/.keys/
      dest: /home/ansible_user/.ssh/authorized_keys
      mode: 0700
      owner: ansible_user
      group: ansible_user
  - name: Add newly created user to sudoers file
      path: /etc/sudoers
      state: present
      line: "ansible_user      ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL"


Let us go through this line by line. First, recall from our previous posts that an Ansible playbook is a sequence of plays. Each play in turn refers to a group of hosts in the inventory.


A playbook is written in YAML-syntax that you probably know well if you have followed my series on Kubernetes (if not, you might want to take a look at the summary page on Wikipedia). Being a sequence of plays, it is a list. Our example contains only one play.

The first attribute of our play is called name. This is simply a human-readable name that ideally briefly summarizes what the play is doing. The next attribute hosts refers to a set of hosts in our inventory. In our case, we want to run the play for all nodes in the inventory. More precisely, this is a pattern which can specify individual hosts, groups of hosts or various combinations.

The second attribute is the become flag that we have already seen several times. We need this, as our vagrant user is not root and we need to do a sudo to execute most of our commands.

The next attribute, tasks, is itself a list and contains all tasks that make up the playbook. When Ansible executes a playbook, it will execute the plays in the order in which they are present in the playbook. For each play, it will go through the tasks and, for each task, it will loop through the corresponding hosts and execute this task on each host. So a task will have to be completed for each host before the next task starts. If an error occurs, this host will be removed from the rotation and the execution of the play will continue.

We have learned in an earlier post that a task is basically the execution of a module. Each task usually starts with a name. The next line specifies the module to execute, followed by a list of parameters for this module. Our first task executes the user module, passing the name of the user to be created as an argument, similar to what we did when executing commands ad-hoc. Our second task executes the file module, the third task the copy module and the last task the lineinfile module. If you have followed my previous posts, you will easily recognize what these tasks are doing – we create a new user, distribute the SSH key in ~/.keys/ and add the user to the sudoers file on each host (of course, we could as well continue to use the vagrant user, but we perform the switch to a different user for the sake of demonstration). To run this example, you will have to create a SSH key pair called ansible_key and store it in the subdirectory .keys of your home directory, as in my last post.

Executing our playbook

How do we actually execute a playbook? The community edition of Ansible contains a command-line tool called ansible-playbook that accepts one or more playbooks as arguments and executes them. So assuming that you have saved the above playbook in a file called myFirstPlaybook, you can run it as follows.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini  -u vagrant --private-key ~/vagrant/vagrant_key myFirstPlaybook.yaml

The parameters are quite similar to the parameters of the ansible command. We use -i to specify the location of an inventory file, -u to specify the user to use for the SSH connections and –private-key to specify the location of the private key file of this user.

When we run this playbook, Ansible will log a summary of the actions to the console. We will see that it starts to work on our play, and then, for each task, executes the respective action once for each host. When the script completes, we can verify that everything worked by using SSH to connect to the machines using our newly created user, for instance

ssh -i ~/.keys/ansible_key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ansible_user@

Instead of executing our playbook manually after Vagrant has completed the setup of the machines, it is also possible to integrate Ansible with Vagrant. In fact, Ansible can be used in Vagrant as a Provisioner, meaning that we can specify an Ansible playbook that Vagrant will execute for each host immediately after is has been provisioned. To see this in action, copy the playbook to the Vagrant directory ~/vagrant and, in the Vagrantfile, add the three lines

  config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
    ansible.playbook = "myFirstPlaybook.yaml"

immediately after the line starting with config.vm.provision "file". When you now shut down the machines again using

vagrant destroy

from within the vagrant directory and then re-start using

vagrant destroy

you will see that the playbook gets executed once for each machine that is being provisioned. Behind the scenes, Vagrant will create an inventory in ~/vagrant/.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory and will add the hosts there (when inspecting this file, you will find that Vagrant incorrectly adds the insecure default SSH key as a parameter to each host, but apparently this overridden by the settings in our Vagrantfile and does not cause any problems).

Of course there is much more that you can do with playbooks. As a first more complex example, I have created a playbook that

  • Creates a new user ansible_user and adds it to the sudoer file
  • Distributes a corresponding public SSH key
  • Installs Docker
  • Installs pip3 and the Python Docker library
  • Pulls an NGINX container from the Docker hub
  • Creates a HTML file and dynamically add the primary IP address of the host
  • Starts the container and maps the HTTP port

To run this playbook, copy it to the vagrant directory as well along with the HTML file template, change the name of the playbook in the Vagrantfile to nginx.yaml and run vagrant as before.

Once this script completes, you can point your browser to or and see a custom NGINX welcome screen. This playbook uses some additional features that we will discuss in the next post, most notably variables and facts.

Automating provisioning with Ansible – using modules

In the previous post, we have learned the basics of Ansible and how to use Ansible to execute a command – represented by a module – on a group of remote hosts. In this post, we will look into some useful modules in a bit more detail and learn a bit more on idempotency and state.

Installing software with the apt module

Maybe one of the most common scenarios that you will encounter when using Ansible is that you want to install a certain set of packages on a set of remote hosts. Thus, you want to use Ansible to invoke a packet manager. Ansible comes with modules for all major packet managers – yum for RedHat systems, apt for Debian derived systems like Ubuntu, or even the Solaris packet managers. In our example, we assume that you have a set of Ubuntu hosts on which you need to install a certain package, say Docker. Assuming that you have these hosts in your inventory in the group servers, the command to do this is as follows.

ansible servers \
  -i hosts.ini \
  -u root \
  --private-key ~/.ssh/do_k8s \
  -m apt \
  -a ' update_cache=yes state=present'

Most options of this command are as in my previous post. We use a defined private key and a defined inventory file and instruct Ansible to use the user root when logging into the machines. With the switch -m, we ask Ansible to run the apt module. With the switch -a, we pass a set of parameters to this module, i.e. a set of key-value pairs. Let us look at these parameters in detail.

The first parameter, name, is simply the package that we want to install. The parameter update_cache instructs apt to update the package information before installing the package, which is the equivalent of apt-get update. The last parameter is the parameter state. This defines the target state that we want to achieve. In our case, we want the package to be present.

When we run this command first for a newly provisioned host, chances are that the host does not yet have Docker installed, and the apt module will install it. We will receive a rather lengthy JSON formatted response, starting as follows. | CHANGED => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "cache_update_time": 1569866674,
    "cache_updated": true,
    "changed": true,
    "stderr": "",
    "stderr_lines": [],

In the output, we see the line "changed" : true, which indicates that Ansible has actually changed the state of the target system. This is what we expect – the package was not yet installed, we want the latest version to be installed, and this requires a change.

Now let us run this command a second time. This time, the output will be considerably shorter. | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "cache_update_time": 1569866855,
    "cache_updated": true,
    "changed": false

Now the attribute changed in the JSON output is set to false. In fact, the module has first determined the current state and found that the package is already installed. It has then looked at the target state and found that current state and target state are equal. Therefore, no action is necessary and the module does not perform any actual change.

This example highlights two very important and very general (and related) properties of Ansible modules. First, they are idempotent, i.e. executing them more than once results in the same state as executing them only once. This is very useful if you manage groups of hosts. If the command fails for one host, you can simply execute it again for all hosts, and it will not do any harm on the hosts where the first run worked.

Second, an Ansible task does (in general, there are exceptions like the command module) not specify an action, but a target state. The module is then supposed to determine the current state, compare it to the target state and only take those actions necessary to move the system from the current state to the target state.

These are very general principles, and the exact way how they are implemented is specific to the module in question. Let us look at a second example to see how this works in practice.

Working with files

Next, we will look at some modules that allow us to work with files. First, there is a module called copy that can be used to copy a file from the control host (i.e. the host on which Ansible is running) to all nodes. The following commands will create a local file called test.asc and distribute it to all nodes in the servers group in the inventory, using /tmp/test.asc as target location.

echo "Hello World!" > test.asc
ansible servers \
  -i hosts.ini \
  -u root \
  --private-key ~/.ssh/do_k8s \
  -m copy \
  -a 'src=test.asc dest=/tmp/test.asc'

After we have executed this command, let us look at the first host in the inventory to see that this has worked. We first use grep to strip off the first line of the inventory file, then awk to get the first IP address and finally scp to manually copy the file back from the target machine to a local file test.asc.check. We can then look at this file to see that is contains what we expect.

ip=$(cat hosts.ini  | grep -v "\[" | awk 'NR == 1')
scp -i ~/.keys/k8s_token \
    root@$ip:/tmp/test.asc test.asc.check
cat test.asc.check

Again, it is instructive to run the copy command twice. If we do this, we see that as long as the local version of the file is unchanged, Ansible will not repeat the operation and leave the destination file alone. Again, this follows the state principle – as the node is already in the target state (file present), no action is necessary. If, however, we change the local file and resubmit the command, Ansible will again detect a deviation from the target state and copy the changed file again.

It is also possible to fetch files from the nodes. This is done with the fetch module. As this will in general produce more than one file (one per node), the destination that we specify is a directory and Ansible will create one subdirectory for each node on the local machine and place the files there.

ansible servers \
  -i hosts.ini \
  -u root \
  --private-key ~/.ssh/do_k8s \
  -m fetch \
  -a 'src=/tmp/test.asc dest=.'

Creating users and ssh keys

When provisioning a new host, maybe the first thing that you want to do is to create a new user on the host and provide SSH keys to be able to use this user going forward. This is especially important when using a platform like DigitalOcean which by default only creates a root account.

The first step is to actually create the user on the hosts, and of course there is an Ansible module for this – the user module. The following command will create a user called ansible_user on all hosts in the servers group.

ansible servers \
  -i hosts.ini \
  -u root \
  --private-key ~/.ssh/do_k8s \
  -m user \
  -a 'name=ansible_user'

To use this user via Ansible, we need to create an SSH key pair and distribute it. Recall that when SSH keys are used to log in to host A (“server”) from host B (“client”), the public key needs to be present on host A, whereas the private key is on host B. On host A, the key needs to be appended to the file authorized_keys in the .ssh directory of the users home directory.

So let us first create our key pair. Assuming that you have OpenSSH installed on your local machine, the following command will create a private / public RSA key pair with 2048 bit key length and no passphrase and store it in ~/.keys in two files – the private key will be in ansible_keys, the public key in

ssh-keygen -b 2048 -f ~/.keys/ansible_key -t rsa -P ""

Next, we want to distribute the public key to all hosts in our inventory, i.e. for each host, we want to append the key to the file authorized_keys in the users SSH directory. In our case, instead of appending the key, we can simply overwrite the authorized_keys file with our newly created public key. Of course, we can use Ansible for this task. First, we use the file module to create a directory .ssh in the new users home directory. Note that we still use our initial user root and the corresponding private key.

ansible servers \
  -i hosts.ini \
  -u root \
  --private-key ~/.ssh/do_k8s \
  -m file \
  -a 'path=/home/ansible_user/.ssh owner=ansible_user mode=0700 state=directory group=ansible_user'

Next, we use the copy module to copy the public key into the newly created directory with target file name authorized_keys (there is also a module called authorized_keys that we could use for that purpose).

ansible servers \
  -i hosts.ini \
  -u root \
  --private-key ~/.ssh/do_k8s \
  -m copy \
  -a 'src=~/.keys/ dest=/home/ansible_user/.ssh/authorized_keys group=ansible_user owner=ansible_user mode=0700'

We can verify that this worked using again the ping module. This time, we use the newly created Ansible user and the corresponding private key.

ansible servers \
  -i hosts.ini \
  -u ansible_user \
  --private-key ~/.keys/ansible_key \
  -m ping

However, there is still a problem. For many purposes, our user is only useful if it has the right to use sudo without a password. There are several ways to achieve this, the easiest being to add the following line to the file /etc/sudoers which will allow the user ansible_user to run any command using sudo without a password.

ansible_user ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL

How to add this line? Again, there is an Ansible module that comes to our rescue – lineinfile. This module can be used to enforce the presence of defined lines in a file, at specified locations. The documentation has all the options, but for our purpose, the usage is rather simple.

ansible servers \
  -i hosts.ini \
  -u root \
  --private-key ~/.ssh/do_k8s \
  -m lineinfile \
  -a 'path=/etc/sudoers state=present line="ansible_user      ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL"'

Again, this module follows the principles of state and idempotency – if you execute this command twice, the output will indicate that the second execution does not result in any changes on the target system.

So far, we have used the ansible command line client to execute commands ad-hoc. This, however, is not the usual way of using Ansible. Instead, you would typically compose a playbook that contains the necessary commands and use Ansible to run this playbook. In the next post, we will learn how to create and deal with playbooks.

Automating provisioning with Ansible – the basics

For my projects, I often need a clean Linux box with a defined state which I can use to play around and, if a make a mistake, simply dump it again. Of course, I use a cloud environment for this purpose. However, I often find myself logging into one of these newly created machines to carry out installations manually. Time to learn how to automate this.

Ansible – the basics

Ansible is a platform designed to automate the provisioning and installation of virtual machines (or, more general, any type of servers, including physical machines and even containers). Ansible is agent-less, meaning that in order to manage a virtual machine, it does not require any special agent installed on that machine. Instead, it uses ssh to access the machine (in the Linux / Unix world, whereas with Windows, you would use something like WinRM).

When you use Ansible, you run the Ansible engine on a dedicated machine, on which Ansible itself needs to be installed. This machine is called the control machine. From this control machine, you manage one or more remote machines, also called hosts. Ansible will connect to these nodes via SSH and execute the required commands there. Obviously, Ansible needs a list of all hosts that it needs to manage, which is called the inventory. Inventories can be static, i.e. an inventory is simply a file listing all nodes, or can be dynamic, implemented either as a script that supplies a JSON-formatted list of nodes and is invoked by Ansible, or a plugin written in Python. This is especially useful when using Ansible with cloud environments where the list of nodes changes over time as nodes are being brought up or are shut down.

The “thing that is actually executed” on a node is, at the end of a day, a Python script. These scripts are called Ansible modules. You might ask yourself how the module can be invoked on the node. The answer is simple – Ansible copies the module to the node, executes it and then removes it again. When you use Ansible, then, essentially, you execute a list of tasks for each node or group of nodes, and a task is a call to a module with specific arguments.

A sequence of tasks to be applied to a specific group of nodes is called a play, and the file that specifies a set of plays is called a playbook. Thus a playbook allows you to apply a defined sequence of module calls to a set of nodes in a repeatable fashion. Playbooks are just plain files in YAML-format, and as such can be kept under version control and can be treated according to the principles of infrastructure-as-a-code.


Installation and first steps

Being agentless, Ansible is rather simple to install. In fact, Ansible is written in Python (with the source code of the community version being available on GitHub), and can be installed with

pip3 install --user ansible

Next, we need a host. For this post, I did simply spin up a host on DigitalOcean. In my example, the host has been assigned the IP address We need to put this IP address into an inventory file, to make it visible to Ansible. A simple inventory file (in INI format, YAML is also supported) looks as follows.


Here, servers is a label that we can use to group nodes if we need to manage nodes with different profiles (for instance webservers, application servers or database servers).

Of course, you would in general not create this file manually. We will look at dynamic inventories in a later post, but for the time being, you can use a version of the script that I used in an earlier post on DigitalOcean to automate the provisioning of droplets. This script brings up a machine and adds it to a repository file hosts.ini.

With this inventory file in place, we can already use Ansible to ad-hoc execute commands on this node. Here is a simple example.

ansible -i hosts.ini \
        servers \
        -u root \
        --private-key ~/.ssh/do_k8s \
        -m ping

Let us go through this example step by step. First, we set an environment variable which prevents the SSH host key check when first connecting to an unknown host. Next, we invoke the ansible command line client. The first parameter is the name of the inventory file, host.ini in our case. The second arguments (servers) instructs Ansible only to run our command for those hosts that carry the label servers in our inventory file. This allows us to use different node profiles and apply different commands to them. Next, the -u switch asks Ansible to use the root user to connect to our hosts (which is the default ssh user on DigitalOcean). The next switch specifies the file in which the private host key that Ansible will use to connect to the node is stored.

Finally, the switch -m specifies the module to use. For this example, we use the ping module which tries to establish a connection to the host (you can look at the source code of this module here).

Modules can also take arguments. A very versatile module is the command module (which is actually the default, if no module is specified). This module accepts an argument which it will simply execute as a command on the node. For instance, the following code snippet executes uname -a on all nodes.

ansible -i hosts.ini \
        servers \
        -u root \
        --private-key ~/.ssh/do_k8s \
        -m command \
        -a "uname -a"

Privilege escalation

Our examples so far have assumed that the user that Ansible uses to SSH into the machines has all the required privileges, for instance to run apt. On DigitalOcean, the standard user is root, where this simple approach is working, but in other cloud environments, like EC2, the situation is different.

Suppose, for instance, that we have created an EC2 instance using the Amazon Linux AMI (which has a default user called ec2-user) and added its IP address to our hosts.ini file (of course, I have written a script to automate this). Let us also assume that the SSH key used is called ansibleTest and stored in the directory ~/.keys. Then, a ping would look as follows.

ansible -i hosts.ini \
        servers \
        -u ec2-user \
        --private-key ~/.keys/ansibleTest.pem \
        -m ping

This would actually work, but this changes if we want to install a package like Docker. We will learn more about package installation and state in the next post, but naively, the command to actually install the package would be as follows.

ansible -i hosts.ini \
        servers \
        -u ec2-user \
        --private-key ~/.keys/ansibleTest.pem \
        -m yum -a 'name=docker state=present'        

Here, we use the yum module which is able to leverage the YUM packet manager used by Amazon Linux to install, upgrade, remove and manage packages. However, this will fail, and you will receive a message like ‘You need to be root to perform this command’. This happens because Ansible will SSH into your machine using the ec2_user, and this user, by default, does not have the necessary privileges to run yum.

On the command line, you would of course use sudo to fix this. To instruct Ansible to do this, we have to add the switch -b to our command. Ansible will then use sudo to execute the modules as root.

ansible -i hosts.ini \
        servers \
        -b \
        -u ec2-user \
        --private-key ~/.keys/ansibleTest.pem \
        -m yum -a 'name=docker state=present'        

An additional parameter, –become-user, can be used to control which user Ansible will use to run the operations. The default is root, but any other user can be used as well (assuming, of course, that the user has the required privileges for the respective command).

The examples above still look like something that could easily be done with a simple shell script, looping over all hosts in an inventory file and invoking an ssh command. The real power of Ansible, however, becomes apparent when we start to talk about modules in the next post in this series.

Database programming with Python

Most of us probably started to use Python as a scripting language to quickly create working code for e.g. numerical and scientific calculations. But, of course, Python is much more than that. If you intend to use Python for more traditional applications, you will sooner or later need to interface with a database. Today, we will see how the Python DB-API can be used for that purpose.

The Python DB-API

Of course there are many databases that can be used with Python – various modules exist like mysql-connector for MySQL, Psycopg for PostgreSQL or sqlite3 for the embedded database SQLite. Obviously, all these drivers differ slightly, but it turns out that they follow a common design pattern which is known as the Python DB-API and described in PEP-249.

If you know Java, you have probably heard of JDBC, which is a standard to access relational databases from Java applications. The Python DB-API is a bit different – it is not a library, but it is a set of design patterns that drivers are supposed to follow.

When using JDBC, there is, for instance, an interface class called java.sql.Connection. Whatever driver and whatever database you use, this interface will always be the same for compliant drivers. For Python, the situation is a bit different. If you use SQLite, then there will be a class sqlite3.Connection. If you use MySQL, there will be a class with the slightly cryptic name mysql.connector.connection_cext.CMySQLConnection. These are different classes, and they do not inherit from a common superclass or interface. Still, the Python DB-ABI dictates that these classes all have a common set of methods and attributes to make switching between different databases as easy as possible.

Before we start to look at an example, it is helpful to understand the basic objects of the DB-API class model. First, there is a connection, which, of course, represents a connection to a database. How to initially obtain a connection is specific for the database used, and we will see some examples further below.

When a connection is obtained, it is active or open. It can be closed by executing its close() method, which will render the connection unusable and roll back any uncommitted changes. A connection also has commit() and rollback() to support transaction control (however, the specification leaves the implementation some freedom with respect to features like auto-commit and isolation levels, and does not even mandate that implementations support transactions at all). The specification is also not fully clear on how to start transactions, it seems that most driver automatically start a new transaction if a statement is executed and no transaction is in progress.

To actually execute statements and fetch results, a cursor is used. Again, it is implementation specific whether this is implemented as a real, server-side cursor or as a local cache within the client. Cursors are created by calling the connections cursor method, and is only valid within the context of a connection (i.e. if a connection is closed, all cursors obtained from it will become unusable). Once we have a cursor, we can execute statements on it using either its execute method (which executes a statement with one set of parameters) or its executemany method, which executes a statement several times with differents sets of parameters. How exactly parameters are referenced in a statement is implementation specific, and we will see some examples below.

The statement executed via a cursor can be an update or a select statement. In the latter case, we can access its results either via the fetchall() method which returns all rows of the result set as a sequence, or the fetchone() method which returns the next row. The API also defines a method fetchmany() which returns a specified number of rows at a time.

Using Python with SQLite

After this general introduction, let us now see how the API works in practice. For the sake of simplicity, we will first use the embedded database SQLite.

One of the nice things about SQLite3 is that the module that you will need to use it in a Python program – slqite3 is part of the Python standard library and therefore part of any Python standard installation. So there is no separate installation needed to use it, and we can start to play with it right away.

To use a databases, the first thing we have to do is to establish a connection to it. As mentioned above, the process to do this is specific for the SQLite database. As SQLite identifies a database by the file where the data is stored, we basically only have to provide the file name to the driver to either establish a connection to an existing database or to create a new database (which will happen automatically if the file we refer to does not exist). Here is a code snippet that will establish a connection to a database stored in your home directory in the file.

import sqlite3 as dblib
from pathlib import Path

home = str(Path.home())
db = home + "/example.db"
c = dblib.connect(db)

Now let us create a table. This sounds simple enough, just execute a CREATE TABLE statement. However, this will raise an error if the table already exists. Of course, we could use the IF NOT EXISTS clause to achieve this, but for the sake of demonstration let us choose a different approach.

We first try to drop the table. If the table does not exist, this will raise an exception which we can catch, if the table exists it will be removed. In any case, we can now proceed to create the table. To execute these statements, we need a cursor as explained above which we can get from the newly created connection. So our code looks as follows (of course, in productive code, you would put more effort into making sure that the reason for the exception is what you expect):

cursor = c.cursor()
    cursor.execute('''DROP TABLE books''')
except dblib.Error as err:
cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE books
             (author text, title text)''')

Next, we want to insert data into our database. Suppose you wanted to insert a book called “Moby Dick” written by Herman Melville. So we want to execute an SQL statement like

  (author, title)
  ('Herman Melville', 'Moby  Dick')

Of course, we could simply assemble this SQL statement in Python and pass it to the execute method of our cursor directly. But this is not the recommended way of doing things. Instead, one generally uses SQL host variables. These are variable parts of a statement which are declared inside the statement and, at runtime, are bound to Python variables. This is generally advisable, for two reasons. First, using the naive approach of manually assembling SQL statements and parameter values makes your program more vulnerable to SQL injection. Second, using host variables allows the driver to prepare the statement only once (i.e. to parse and tokenize the statement and prepare an execution plan) even if you insert multiple rows, thus increasing performance.

To use host variables with SQLite, you would execute a statement in which the values you want to insert are replaced by placeholders, using question marks.

  (author, title)
  (?, ?)

When you call the execute method of a cursor, you pass this SQL string along with the values for the placeholders, and the database driver will then replace by their actual values, a process called binding.

However, when coding this, there is a subtlety we need to observe. The special characters used for the placeholders are not specified by the DB-API Python standard and might therefore be driver specific. Fortunately, even though the standard does not define the placeholders, it defines a way to obtain them that is the same for all drivers.

Specifically, the standard specifies several placeholder styles which can be queried by accessing a global variable. In our example, we use only two of these styles, called pyformat and question mark. Pyformat, the style used by e.g. MySQL, uses Python-like placeholders like %s, whereas question mark uses – well, you might have guessed that – question marks as SQLite does it. So to keep our code reusable, we first retrieve the placeholder style, translate this into the actual placeholder (a dictionary comes in handy here) and then assemble our statement.

knownMarkers = {'pyformat' : '%s', 'qmark' : '?'}
marker =  knownMarkers[dblib.paramstyle]

examples = [('Dickens', 'David Copperfield'),
            ('Melville', 'Moby Dick')]

sqlString =  '''INSERT INTO books
                       (author, title)
                 VALUES ''' + "(" + marker + "," + marker + ")"
cursor.executemany(sqlString, examples)

Note that we explicitly commit at the end of the statement, as closing the connection would otherwise rollback our changes. We also use the executemany method which performs several insertions, binding host variables from a sequence of value tuples.

Reading from our database is now very simple. Again, we first need to get a connection and a cursor. Once we have that, we assemble a SELECT statement and execute it. We then use the fetch or fetchall method to retrieve the result set and can iterate through the result set as usual.

# Get all rows from table books
statement = "SELECT author, title from books;"
rows = cursor.fetchall()

# Iterate through result set
for row in rows:
    print ("Author: " + row[0])
    print ("Title:  " + row[1])

As we can see, the order of the columns in the individual tuples within the result set is as in our SELECT statement. However, I have not found an explicit guarantee for this behaviour in the specification. If we want to make sure that we get the columns right, we can use the cursor.description attribute which the standard mandates and which contains a sequence of tuples, wherein each tuple represents a column in the result and contains a set of attributes like name and type.

We have now seen how we can use the DB-API to create database tables, to insert rows and to retrieve results. I have assembled the code that we have discussed in two scripts, one to prepare a database and one to read from it, which you can find here.

Using Python with MySQL

To illustrate the usage of the DB-API for different databases, let us now try to do the same thing with MySQL. Of course, there is some more setup involved in this case. First, the driver that we will use – the mysql-connector – is not part of the standard Python library and needs to be installed separately. Of course, this is done using

pip3 install mysql-connector-python

We will also need the MySQL command line client mysql and the admin client mysqladmin. On an Ubuntu system, you can install them using

sudo apt-get install  mysql-client

As we intend to run the MySQL server in a docker container, you also need a Docker engine installed on your system. If you do not have that yet, the easiest way might be to install it using snap.

snap install docker

Next, we need to bring up an instance of the MySQL database using docker run, give it some time to come up, create a database called books and grant access rights to a new user that we will use to access our database from within Python. Here is a short script that will perform all these update scripts and that you can also find here.

# Start docker container
docker run -d --name some-mysql \
           --rm \
           -p 3306:3306 \
           -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-root-pw \
           -e MYSQL_USER=chr \
           -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \

# Give the database some time to come up
mysqladmin --user=root --password=my-secret-root-pw \
           --host=''  \
            --silent status

while [ $? == 1  ]
  sleep 5
  mysqladmin --user=root --password=my-secret-root-pw \
             --host=''  \
             --silent status

# Create database books and grant rights to user chr
mysqladmin --user=root \
           --password=my-secret-root-pw \
            --host=''  create books
echo 'grant all on books.* to 'chr';' \
              | mysql --user=root \
                      --password=my-secret-root-pw \
                      --host='' books

BE CAREFUL: if you have read my post on Docker networking, you will know that using the -p switch implies that we can reach the database from every machine in the local network – so if you are not in a fully trusted environment, you definitely want to change this script and the program that will follow to use real passwords, not the ones used in this post.

Let us now see how we can access our newly created database from Python. Thanks to the DB-API, most of the code that we will have to use is actually the same as in the case of SQLite. Basically, there are two differences. First, the module that we have to import is of course different, but we can again use the alias dblib to be able to use the remainder of the code without changes.

import mysql.connector as dblib

The second change that we need to make is the way how we obtain the initial database connection, as connecting to a MySQL database requires additional parameters like credentials. Here is the respective statement

c = dblib.connect(user='chr', password='my-secret-pw',

All the remainder of the code can now be taken over from the SQLite case unchanged. On my GitHub page, I have created a separate directory holding the code, and if you compare this code to the code that we used earlier for SQLite, you will see that it is in fact only those two parts of the code that are different.

Of course, there is much more that could be said about database programming with Python. In reality, each database behaves differently, and you will have to deal with specifics like auto-commit, generated fields, different types, performance, result set sizes and so forth. However, the basics are the same thanks to the DB-API, and I hope that I could give you a good starting point for further investigations.