A primer on elliptic curve cryptography: practice

In the last post, we have looked a bit at the theory behind elliptic curves. In this post, we will now see how all this works down to earth and use Python to actually run some calculations. The first thing that we need is an explicit formula for the addition of two points on an…More

A primer on elliptic curve cryptography: theory

Strong cryptography is at the heart of the blockchain and many other modern technologies, so it does not hurt to get familiar with the basics. In this post I will explain the foundations of one very commonly used algorithm called elliptic curve digital signature. This post will be a bit lengthy and theoretical but do…More

What this blog is about

Over the last couple of years, I have spent a considerable part of my spare time digging deeper into some topics around computer science and mathematics, mostly driven by the desire to understand how all that really works. Many years ago, I wrote a multi-threaded Unix kernel and made it boot on my PC to…More